we dive through crystal waters

The Pirate

carrd template by cassiaslair.

Perfect oceans

Cerothyn Zeddicus written by @straycatte.
established 2014


But no one told me not to breathe

yo ho
a pirate's life for me

  • mature themes

  • crime

  • horror

  • slice of life

  • comedy

  • plot driven rp

Late Twenties

  1. while I am fine with darker themes and perma-injuries, I do prefer them to be discussed first. I also typically prefer we've had multiple interactions beforehand.

  2. Communication is key.

  3. Respect is a two way street.

  4. Don't be weird toward me.

  5. Cerothyn can be a dick, I am not. Thanks!

  • my character dying

  • noncon rp

  • drama

  • rp with underage players and characters

  • I also have no interest in RPing if you use terms like f#ta, F+, tr#p.


And now the weightlessness recedes

My, my, those eyes like fire

Cerothyn Zeddicus.
38. He/Him.
ffxiv; Balmung.

  BIRTHDAY.   October 29TH
  ZODIAC.   Scorpio.
  RACE.   Duskwight Elezen.
  SEXUALITY.   Egosexual.
  BIRTHPLACE.   The Shroud.
  HEIGHT.   6'7"
  HAIR & EYE COLOR.   Raven, light grey highlights | Green.
  SKIN TONE & NOTICEABLE MARKINGS.   Lightly tanned from his time at sea. | Scar across right cheek.
  RESIDENCE.   His ship.
  OCCUPATION.   Captain.

Bless him with salt
Bless him with stone
Bless him with steel


  BIOGRAPHY.   Reaching a height of 6'7", this elezen's around average height for his kind. He sports tight fitting leathers that show off his well defined build and are lined with hidden weapons as well as pockets. However, in plain sight rests a large finely crafted dagger on each hip. Several throwing knives are strapped to his left leg and on his right rests his flintlock pistol. His belt holds a few small pouches, whatever is inside is a mystery and they’re securely fastened shut to keep any thieves from digging through them.His raven hair usually hangs freely, reaching his shoulders and more often than not in his face. Cero’s facial hair is rather scruffy, but he keeps it maintained. His long, slender ears have a few onyx hoops through them and a single crimson jewel dangles from his right. As he speaks, one might notice his unique accent from the seas. It’s nothing too strong or unintelligible, in fact, some might even find it pleasant sounding. A devilish smirk often refuses to leave his face, likely because he’s trying to persuade someone.Cerothyn has several rings on his hands, all of them have various jewels and designs. Around his neck is a leather cord that holds a very small compass, though he usually keeps it tucked down his shirt or leather tunic.

  PERSONALITY.   Cerothyn can be charming and fun to be around to the public eye, though it depends on one's personal preference. He's boisterous, cocky, and always up for a good time be it gambling, drinking, or adventure.Those who know him as a pirate know he's notorious for his vengeance and cruelty. He's a valuable accomplice and a deadly foe, stopping at nothing to get what he wants.He is also extremely trigger happy.

  VIRTUES.   Loyal, confident, intelligent, friendly, charming.
  FLAWS.   Prideful, egotistical, vengeful, cunning, cruel.
  LIKES.   The sea, adventuring, drinking, having his ego stroked, women, and gambling.
  DISLIKES.   Nobility, being in one place too long, authority, and being bored.

Don't go around tonight, well it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise.

I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre

Come now, bite through these wires

Please let him be soft. I know you made him with gunmetal bones and wolf's teeth. I know you made him to be a warrior, a soldier, a hero.


The house of wolves, as many call it.Once you know them, really know them, you start to understand just how fitting it really was. The family is known for their greed, pride, assassination and ties to the black market. With many enemies, it's no wonder they're so merciless.The name Zeddicus used to mean nothing; it was a simple name.There were no ties to the criminal world, there was no wealth, and there was no empire. Rielen’s father was a blacksmith and his mother? She was nothing more than a bandit. He was meant to take over his father’s craft and nothing more; a simple life. However, something inside the young boy wanted more, perhaps he got that from his mother. He wanted to make his mark on the world and, at first, it was an innocent thought. There was no darkness to it but then that thought became an obsession.No more would the name Zeddicus be nothing; it would be whispered in lavish parties and it belonged in history.It wasn't until Rielen met Lilia that he made it all happen years later. He took his family of Duskwights, ripping them from the shroud's safety, to the icy and stoned walls of Ishgard.Cerothyn hated every moment of it. It was no surprise that he left for a life of piracy, however, he was still unable to escape the gnashing of Rielen's teeth.


A large ship ran by Cerothyn himself. The crew are tight knit and familial in nature, Cerothyn would die for them just as much as they would for him in turn. They are more than happy to make allies on the seas, however, they are also known for their merciless nature to their foes.
The Kraken is often seen with another ship, the Bleeding Raven, ran by Cerothyn's brother Camsyn.
While all the crew are npcs, I'm not against those who might wish to be apart of it. I prefer to have interactions beforehand and feel more comfortable with someone I've communicated with prior. Please note that any wrongdoings would be dealt with by the npcs and Cero, your character wouldn't be "overthrowing" mine. This is a ship and storyline I've had for years, I offer the positions on the crew for ties and fun!

I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired

Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher

  PIRATE.   Your character is a pirate. They could have done missions together, gotten into some trouble, hung out, or even be enemies! Cerothyn goes out of his way to pay off guards or make sure his wanted posters aren't littering the streets, however, maybe one was picked up by your character and you recognize the captain.

  TAVERNS.   Cero himself is often found gambling his time away while he's in the city on business or during the little downtime he might have between voyages. He enjoys good rum, good company, and good women; he's a simple man. Have you seen the rambunctious pirate surrounded by his crew and tavern wenches? Maybe he invited you over for a drink and a gamble.

  BLACK MARKET.   Cero smuggles things in and sells all sorts of nifty items to the highest bidder. He even takes contracts to retrieve things from far off places. Have you hired him or bought something from him?

  ADVENTURE.   It's not all illegal activities! He's often found adventuring and enjoying where his ship takes him. Perhaps you've run into him a time or two.

  GAMBLER.   He's been known to blow his gil on any sort of bet or game. Even if he doesn't win it's all about the rush.

Tell your children not to walk my way, tell your children not to hear my words; what they mean, what they say.


Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire

And I don't know what's got its teeth in me

  RIELEN ZEDDICUS | FATHER.   Their relationship is strained to say the least. Cerothyn does as told and in turn gets to keep his freedom and lifestyle. He still likes to remind him that he's around.

  DRAIS ZEDDICUS | OLDER BROTHER.   Cero looked up to his brother and, to his knowledge, he's deceased. He constantly blames himself for his brother's death for not being there to help. He lost his mother and brother in one fell swoop.

  LILIA ZEDDICUS | MOTHER.   His mother was born an Ishgardian noble, despite this she didn't care about power. She gave it all to Rielen out of love and respect. Cerothyn misses her.

  CAMSYN ZEDDICUS | YOUNGER BROTHER.   The two run a pair of ships that are often found at sea together. He is probably the person Cerothyn is the closest to in his life, they also make a dangerous duo.

The salt, it seeps in through the pores of my open skin. I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea.

  LYNN ZEDDICUS | YOUNGER SISTER.   Lynn was an extraordinary archer for her age, she and Drais were often sent on jobs together. They were a deadly duo and never missed. She was extremely close with her siblings.

  ROWAN DEVEREUX | SON.   Rowan is all the good parts of his father. He has an adventurous heart and kindness about him. Kat is fiercely protective over him, the pair balance each other out. He spends most of his time on his father's ship.

  KATLINNE DEVEREUX | DAUGHTER.   As much as she denies her family name, she is more like them than she cares to admit. She shares their temper, their distrust, and their cleverness. Katlinne also shares a striking resemblance to her aunt Lynn whom she never met.

  RELI ZEDDICUS | NEPHEW.   He has the anger and skills of his father and the mouth of his mother. Reli is set to lead the family after Drais' demise. However, it's a matter of if he wants to take upon the responsibility and role of it all. He and Cero aren't on the best of terms and merely tolerate each other, however, Cero will never admit he has a soft spot for him.

  RILEY ZEDDICUS | NIECE.   Much like her older brother, Riley loathes everything to do with politics. Unlike him, she attends whatever Rielen requests of her. For this, she is held in a more respected position and often chosen for his dealings. Cerothyn doesn't like her much as she is seen as Rielen's "dog".

  LILITH ZEDDICUS | SISTER IN LAW.   Respected by her children, despised by most of the family. Lilith is cold, calculating, and much like Rielen. She believes in his 'vision' and for this she is especially cruel and power hungry. She and Drais' marriage was arranged and loveless. Cerothyn cannot stand her and hopes she meets an untimely death.

But I'm about to bite back in anger


No amount of self-sought fury

Will bring back the glory of innocence

I have traveled far beyond the path of reason